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其他資料列表: 1.Livie & Luca | Joyful Little Soles https://www.livieandluca.com With every purchase, Livie & Luca donates 10% of net proceeds to non-profits supporting children's development and well-being. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livia Livia Drusilla (Classical Latin: LIVIA•DRVSILLA, LIVIA•AVGVSTA ... L’Harmattan, 2012, ch. 1, La vie de Livie, femme d’Auguste, p. 13–38. ... maxandlivie.com Design your next conference, wedding or special event with Max/Livie. We are the Rocky Mountain regions’ first choice when selecting a partner to execute your vision. www.zappos.com/b/livie-luca/brand/2829 Livie & Luca was founded in 2005 with the tagline, "adorable shoes for adorable feet." San Francisco Bay Area residents and co-owners, Mitzi Rivas and Amie Garcia ... https://www.etsy.com/shop/LivieQ Browse unique items from LivieQ on Etsy, a global marketplace of handmade, vintage and creative goods. |